GEMEX MP 1500 H is an extremely powerfull Gemsa’s deep hole mineral exploration drilling rig with a pullback capacity of 250kN and can be used in a wide range of drilling operations such as mineral exploration, directional drilling and geotechnical drilling all over the world – from easy access open pit mines to the remotest of areas. This MP 1500 H top drive Multi-purpose drill rig manufactured by Gemsa on date 15.10.2012 and its 1300 no rig moved field from factory. Even its designed for 2250 m NQ max , with Geomag DOO qualified drilling team they reached 2300 mt (Cooper/ Gold mine) and now on date 17.02.2024 they reached NQ 2410,8 m in Serbia. We are so proud of Geomag drillers & offsiders and our rig ! .